January 2016

The Botkins Board of Education met in regular session on January 13, 2016. The Board took the following actions:

Marian Spicer provided an overview of the Foundation. The Dave Mielke Scholarship was amended to be compliant with NCAA rules.

The Community Club would like to use our facilities at the Athletic Complex for Carousel. Carousel will be June 10 – 12, 2016. Rides will be on north parking lot.

Approved the minutes of the December 7th, 2015 Special Board meeting and December 14th, 2015 regular Board of Education meeting.

Approved the Treasurer’s report by fund, the Investment report, and cash balance report as presented.

Heard committee reports:

o Buildings and Maintenance – Discussed issues with the heating at the Athletic Complex. Smith-Boughan is assessing the problems for a solution.

o Boosters – We need to recruit new members. New officers are needed. We are working on a long range plan for the track. We will be working with Garmin & Miller.

Approved the bus routes as presented for the 2nd half of the school year.

Set the cost of Drivers Education at $275 for Botkins students and $325 for non-Botkins students for the 2016-17 school year.

Approved the National Honor Society’s service project to Kentucky for February 7-8, 2016.

Joined the OSBA for the calendar year 2016 at a rate of $2562.

Recognized indoor track for the 2016 season.

Hired the following personnel:

o Seth Centers Softball Assistant Coach

o Joseph Sponsellar Substitute Teacher

o Dana Cress Substitute Teacher

o Rick Russell Substitute Teacher

Amended the Dave Mielke Scholarship Fund agreement as presented to make it compliant with NCAA rules.

Established the Jeff Roberts Memorial Scholarship as presented.

Adopted the 2016-17 school calendar as presented.

Accepted the following donations:

o $100 from Lee and Marcy Braun for the Mark and Kathy Roeggenkamp Scholarship.

o $500 from Joe and Janell Welker for the Nick Welker Scholarship.

Entered Executive session to discuss personnel.

Set a Special Board meeting for January 20th and 21st, 2016.

Building updates:

o We are going to review the quotes on lights.

o We are addressing the building issues – AHU in the new building; new boiler in the old building has been a concern, Smith-Boughan is addressing.

Board policies are online.