October 2015

The Botkins Board of Education met in regular session on October 14, 2015. The Board took the following actions:

Approved the minutes of the September 17, 2015, Board of Education regular meeting.

Approved the Treasurer’s report by fund, the Investment report, and cash balance report as presented.

Approved the following Then and Now purchase orders:

o Walsworth Publishing Co. for $3,675.00

o Brightspark for $16,802.00

Approved the 5-year forecast for the Botkins Local School District as presented. Carryover balance looks good for now.

Approved the Activity Accounts for the Botkins Local School District for the 2015-16 school year.

Hired the following substitutes per established rates:

o Scott Nanik – Substitute bus driver

o Phil Snider – Substitute janitor

o Kaitlynn Caldwell – Substitute Teacher

o Jennifer Luebke – Substitute Teacher

o Sharon Richards – Substitute Teacher

o Kelsey Thompson – Substitute Teacher

o Chris Timmerman – Substitute Teacher

o Jennifer Paulus – Substitute Teacher

Hired Bryan Trego as the Athletic Aide for the 2015-16 school year at an hourly rate of $19.50.

Hired Tina Flora as a driver’s training instructor for the 2015-16 school year at a rate of $19.50.

Approved the following donations to Cole Field as presented:

Caleb Koch - $125

Mark Goubeaux Family - $40

Daniel and Christine Anderson - $50

Donald and Judith Seitz - $15

Tara Vehorn - $20

Ryan Piche - $19.50

Kenneth and Violet Koenig - $500

Samuel and Stacy Braun - $25

Jeff and Andrea Metz - $100

Timothy and Darla Dietz - $100

Robert and Stacy Motter - $100

Patrick and Shirley Elsass - $100

Michael and Ann Loy - $50

Anonymous - $200

Adopted the following resolutions of commendations as presented:

Chloe Flora – Girls Cross Country Record

Natalie Ambos – Girls Soccer Career Goals Record

Josh Miller – District Golf Qualifier

Boys Soccer Team and Coaches – WOSL League Champs

Adopted the Park User Fee agreement for 2016. There were no increases over the 2015 agreement.

Changed the November regular Board meeting to November 19th.

Entered executive session to discuss hiring of personnel.