September 2014

The Botkins Board of Education met in regular session on September 8 , 2014. The Board took the following actions:

v Community Club trustees were present to discuss Carousel 2015. Board gave approval for the use of the new school for the Carousel pageant and the use of Cole Field. Community Club will work with us to move the shed and future building.

v Approved the minutes of the August 13, 2014 regular Board of Education meeting.

v Approved the Treasurer’s report by fund, the Investment report, and cash balance report as presented.

v Approved the Then and Now purchase order for Microman $3750.

v Heard Committee reports:

o Park Board reported they continue to work with the Park Board to determine a usage fee for use of the park facilities.

o Louise Sheets – Grants are due Tuesday

o Boosters – Turning in a Louise Sheets Grant; Getting ready for the Ball Drop.

v Adopted appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2015. Also, approved an Amendment of the Certificate of Estimated Resources.

v Hired Whitney Rogers and Alex Clune as substitute teachers for the 2014-15 school year per salary schedule.

v Hired the following:

o Libray/Media and Erate Harold Poppe

o Tutor Billie Homan

o Sub-janitor Phil Snider

o Volunteer Nurse Cathy Bajwa

v Approved the following student athletic workers at minimum wage: Darien Leonard, Mikayla Place, Courtney Hufford, Jimmy Carducci, Rachel Haehn, Alex Jutte, JamieCarducci.

v Changed the October regular Board of Education meeting to October 13th at 7:00 PM.

v Approved payment to the tournament/site manager, athletic trainer, scoreboard operator, ticket taker and announcer at the rates established by OHSAA for each sporting event for the 2014-15 school year.

v Posted the Casino revenue received in August 2014 of $16,143.04 to the textbook set aside account.

v Hired the following extracurricular positions:

o Assistant Musical Director Olivia Schneider

o Varsity Softball Coach Paul Patton

v Moved to accept the anonymous $50 donation for the courtyard and $200 donation from Trupointe for the Cross Country team.

v Adopted a resolution authorizing the commencement of Electronic bidding including the advertisement for bids for the Abatement contract.

v Approved an overnight trip for the Gifted for survival skills on September 14th and the day of September 15th.

v Updated on the following:

o Reviewed the building updates: had the close out meeting; trainings will be November/December; Abatement schedule to begin February 23, 2015; Auction wil be February 7th, 2015; concrete drive/parking lot was approved.

o Budget – still within budget; life safety inspection-September.

o Reviewed open enrollment numbers for 2014-15 school year.

o Discussed the FFA and FCCLA banquets to be held April 26th, 2015.