April 2023
The Botkins Board of Education met on April 12th for the regular board meeting and took the following actions:
Approved the minutes of the March 8, 2023 regular board meeting
Approved the Treasurer’s report by fund, general fund activity, the Investment Report, and the 5-year review of General Fund Activity as presented
Approved $20,000 transfer from general fund to the textbook set aside fund for future class supplies and textbook expenses as presented
Amended the Certificate and Appropriations as presented
Approved a contract with Carol Riggle for the FY 2023 Modified Cash Basis/OCBOA Reports at a cost of $2,500 as presented
Approved the following graduates of the Class of 2023 as presented:
Hope Alig Toby Martin
Ella Aufderhaar Mackenzie Meadows
Seth Bajwa Brant Metz
Brandt Boerger Carson Motter
Kaylee Cotterman ShelbyDawn Oakes
Christian Denning Raelynn Pebernat
Lydia Dietz Carter Pleiman
Kennedi Doseck Austin Rogers
Benjamin Ewry Noah Ruppert
Kenneth Fisher Keaton Schnippel
Kaitlyn Geis Shelby Shaner
Ben Goettemoeller Johnathan Smock
Lindsay Gossard Scott Smoker
Mallory Goubeaux Sarah Snider
Gabrielle Griffith Brady Steinke
Trayce Hendrickson Leah Steinke
Andrew Homan Elijah VanBrocklin
Alaina Jutte Jeffrey Vance
Katelyn Kinsella Natalia Wiley
Emerson Koenig Jonathan Wisener
Xandreah Locker Jacob Yenser
Robert Lynch Alize Young
Adopted the 7-12 handbook for the 2023-24 school year as presented
Adopted the K-6 handbook for the 2023-24 school year as presented
Adopted the Volunteer handbook for the 2023-24 school year as presented
Approved to participate in the Ohio SchoolComp for 2023 Workers' Compensation Group Rating Program as presented
Accepted the following donations as presented:
-$1938.62 was received from the Botkins Athletic Boosters to be used for the Softball Scoreboard,
-$1000 was received from an anonymous donor to be used for the Girls Basketball program,
-$225 was received from Meyer’s Tavern to be used for the Track fund,
-$1000 was received from First National Bank to be used for the Scholarship fund,
-$1000 was received from an anonymous donor to be used for the Boys Basketball program,
-$223 was received from Meyer’s Tavern to be used for the Girls Basketball fund,
-$167 was received from Meyer’s Tavern to be used for the Boys Basketball fund.
-$150 was received from CYO to be used for Athletics for the use of the gym
Accepted the resignation of Billy Shoffner as custodian, effective March 29, 2023 as presented
Approved to hire the Beth White from 4 hour employee to 8 hour employee as presented
Adopted the changes to the Board Policy and Administrative Guideline as presented
Approved to hire the following summer help personnel as presented for the 2023-24 school year:
Custodial - Gavin Schmerge
Tech - Gabby Puschel
Approved the following overnight trips as presented:
FFA – Ohio FFA Camp Muskingum-dates still to be determined
High School Girls Basketball Camp – Tiffin June 12-14
High School Boys Basketball Camp – Findlay June 16-17
High School Girls Soccer Camp – Trine University, Angola IN July 12-13
High School Boys Soccer Camp – Ohio Dominion University July 17-19
Approved to non-renew the 1-year limited contract of Norm Leugers at the completion of the 2022-23 school year according to ORC Section 3319.11 as presented
Approved to hire MT Studio for Design Professional Services for the Botkins Local School Land Lab/Restroom project, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code as presented
Approved to hire the following substitutes for the 2022-23 school year at a rate of $90 per day as presented:
Alicia Brunswick
Rachel Kremer
Emily Pleiman
Emily Bertke
Entered Executive Session 7:51 PM
Left Executive Session at 9:05 PM
Approved to hire Sara Brown as the Varsity Head Volleyball Coach as presented
Approved to hire Joe Shuga as Custodian/Bus Driver to start on May 22, 2023 as presented
Approved to hire Cal Miller as the 6th Grade Math/Science/Social Studies Teacher as presented