January 2023
The Botkins Board of Education met on January 11th for the regular board meeting and took the following actions:
Approved the minutes of the December 14, 2022 regular board meeting
Approved the Treasurer’s report by fund, general fund activity, the Investment Report, and the 5-year review of General Fund Activity as presented
Amended the Certificate and Appropriations as presented
Denied the 100% CRA Tax Exemption requested by Platfoot Industrial Properties, but approved 50% resolution as presented
Denied the 100% CRA Tax Exemption requested by Eric May Enterprises, LLC, but approved 50% resolution as presented
Approved to leave Driver's Ed cost the same at $350 for Botkins students and $425 for Non-Botkins students for the 2023-24 school year
Approved to join OSBA for the calendar year 2023 as presented
Approved to join OSBA's Legal Assistance Fund (LAF) for the calendar year 2023 as presented
Approved the Calendar for 2023-24 School Year as presented
Accepted the following donations as presented:
$1000 was received from the Fischbach Family fund to be used for Girls' Athletics
$912 was received from an anonymous donor to be used for the Girls Basketball Athletic fund
Approved to hire Andrew Puschel-Winter Break Technology Assistant as presented
Entered Executive Session at 8:16 PM
Left Executive Session at 8:40 PM