January 2025 Re-Organizational

The BOE met on January 8th for the reorganizational meeting and took the following actions:

                      Botkins Treasurer

                      1. Authorize the Treasurer to secure advances from the Shelby County Auditor when funds are available and payable to the school district.

                      2. Authorize the Treasurer to invest any inactive funds at the most productive interest rate.

                      3. Authorize the Treasurer to pay bills and to make appropriation modifications as needed within the limits of the appropriation measure.

                      4. Authorize the Treasurer in conjunction with the Board President to borrow funds in anticipation of tax receipts.

                      Botkins Superintendent


                      1. Authorize the Superintendent to employ such temporary personnel as is needed for emergency situations.

                      2. Authorize the Superintendent to serve as the district purchasing agent.

                      3. Authorize the Superintendent to be the district Title IX Compliance Officer for Botkins School District.

                        Negotiations: Jana Schnippel and Neil Boerger 

                        Park Board: Scott Bayless and Chris Monnin

                        BCIC: Chris Monnin

                        Louise Sheets: Chris Monnin

                        Boosters: Jason Wendel and Neil Boerger

                        Scholarships: Scott Bayless

                        Finances: Jana Schnippel and Jason Wendel