March 2021
The BOE met on March 10th for the regular board meeting and took the following actions:
IDEA hearing.
Approved the minutes of February 10, 2021, Board of Education regular meeting as corrected.
Approved the Treasurer's report by fund, general fund activity, the Investment report, and cash balance report as presented.
Approved the following Then and Now purchase orders:
Scholastic Book Fair-Book Fair-PO# 59499 $3731.51
Don Sommer Inc.-Emergency Snow & Ice Removal-PO# 59531 $8100.00
Moved to non-renew all supplemental contracts effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year.
Hired the following substitutes for the 2020-2021 school year at a rate of $90 a day: Jennifer VanSkyock, Katie Bensman, Ashley Swiger
Adopted the resolution for the use of the school grounds for the Carousel as presented.
Approved a resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying to the county auditor.
Accepted the donation of $100 from Ed and Nancy Brown to be used for the Athletic Department.
Moved the April Board meeting to Tuesday, April 13th with a start time of 7:00 PM.
Hired Erin Maier as an after-school tutor (through the ESC).