October 2020
The Botkins Board of Education met on October 14th for the regular board meeting and took the following actions:
Approved the minutes of the September 9th, 2020 Board of Education regular meeting.
Approved the Treasurer's report by fund, general fund activity, the Investment report, and cash balance report as presented.
Approved all Activity Accounts for the Botkins Local School District for the 2020-21 school year.
Hired the following substitute teachers for the 2020-21 school year at a rate of $90 per day: Nathan Arling, Jonathon Berning, Shennon Boyer, Victoria Neer, Jennifer Paulus, Glenn Petty, Claire Pusey, Thomas Wisener, Kaylie Yinger
Hired the extracurricular positions per salary schedule for the 2020-21 school year:
Stacy Braun-JH Girls Basketball Coach
Heather Buehler-After-school tutor
Karinne Lotz-After-school tutor
Becky Walters-After-school tutor
Accepted the following donations:
A donation of $2562.12 received from the ABC's to be used for Scholastics.
A donation of $1200.00 received Anonymously to the Cross Country fund.
A donation of $500.00 received from the Wiseman Family to be used for the Wiseman Family Scholarship.
A donation of $81.50 received from Zoetis Industry Support Program for the Botkins FFA.